Urbanic's beloved cities and the women who live there.
How do these women, who embody the atmosphere and energy of their respective cities, wear Urbanic? Though they differ in location, age, and taste, they all find joy in expressing Urbanic's style in their own ways. Experience the diverse people and senses of various cities through Urbanic30.
Kristie Reeves, Wakefield
U. Could you please share brief information about you? such as your place, age, occupation, or any other interesting details you'd like to share?
A. I am 49 – going to be 50 this year. I live in a small village on the edge of Wakefield called Netherton. So I am in close proximity to Wakefield and Leeds.
U. If you were to describe your style in two or three words, what would they be?
A. Interesting tailoring detail.
U. What's currently capturing your interest the most? It could be anything—objects, artworks, music, etc.
A. I love the prints by Clarissa Hulse – used ends of her print table framed. Currently listening to Sheryl Crow as I am seeing her in June when she visits the UK.
Could you recommend any wonderful places that you enjoy visiting? This could be a restaurant, shop, beautiful park, etc. Feel free to mention multiple places if you like.
A: The Hepworth Gallery in Wakefield, the Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Covet in Ilkley (a shop of treasures!), Betty’s in Ilkley or York and John Lewis department store in Leeds.
U. If you had to pick three cherished objects or items that you keep close to you in your daily life, what would they be? We are curious about the reasons behind your choices.
A. I have a hand stitched cross that was my Mothers that I keep in whichever handbag I have with me – my Mother was very religious and even though I am not, I carry it everywhere. I always have YSL Touche Eclat with me wherever I go to brighten under my eyes before a Zoom meeting or going out after work. Also Floral Street (Arizona Bloom) is my favourite fragrance and I have a travel size with me everywhere I go.
U. As someone who works with Fox brothers’ fabric, could you share an interesting aspect of your job?
A. Visiting customers in Paris and London.
U. Urbanic30 has a particular fondness for Fox Brothers' Flannel fabric. What is it about this flannel fabric that you personally find appealing?
A. I love the durability and the drape.
U. Can you share with our customers the insights about Fox Brothers fabric that, once known, could significantly enhance their enjoyment of the garments crafted from it?
A. Using the same techniques Fox Brothers have used since their first flannel was developed in 1773, the cloth is core milled (squeezed while wet) to the point you cannot see the weave structure, fusing the fibres together to create a smooth surface. It can take 6-8 hours to do this.
U. Reflecting on your experience wearing Urbanic30 clothing for this campaign, could you share your impressions? Which specific product stood out to you the most, and how do you envision styling that product in your daily life?
A. I loved all of the three products; jacket, shirt and knit. As the first photos sent, for cold weather I love the idea of layering the shirt and knit together. I have worn the shirt under other knits I have and it works really well. I like to knit to go over high, slim waisted trousers, but the shirt can be tucked in as I did with the ‘paper bag’ style skirt in the second set of photos.